Minty Webs Limited (iCard)
Minty Webs Limited – iCard is a business to make an impact on today’s business world by creating eco-friendly namecards. Our goal is to prevent printing thousands of namecards which usually ends up in the garbage or stashed deep in drawers never to be recovered. By using our newest technology iCard you can instantly pass your contact information to your potential clients. So what are you waiting for! Stop running out of namecards and repeating the process of printing namecards when you need to make changes by using our new iCard! Minty Webs Limited—iCard將傳統的卡片加入電子數碼化的元素,更方便每一位使用者。我們的目的是為了環保,減少卡片的印刷,也可以避免交換後的卡片被遺忘在抽屜內,或很多時候忘記放在那裡,在需要的時候卻找不到。同時更重要的是,通過iCard的誕生,讓使用者可以更有效率地在幾秒間向對方提供準確無誤的聯絡資料和訊息